


A full list of this year’s categories can be found below. There is no detailed eligibility criteria. This is deliberate. Each category relates to a broad industry need. Any firm with a product or service that attempts to meet that need is eligible to enter.

In some cases, judges may decide that a particular nominee is better suited for a category other than the one that was originally entered. Judges may move entries from one category to another at their discretion.

In 2025, we are introducing a set of ‘in-house technology’ categories, for financial market participants that have developed proprietary risk technology. Scroll down for more details.

ERM & regulation categories

  • Risk dashboard software of the year
  • Regulatory capital calculation product of the year
  • Bank ALM system of the year
  • Life and pensions ALM system of the year
  • Regulatory reporting system of the year
  • Best vendor for systems support & implementation
  • Model risk service of the year
  • Climate risk service of the year
  • GRC product of the year
  • Consultancy of the year, ERM
  • ERM innovation of the year

Operational risk categories

  • Cyber risk/security product of the year
  • Financial crime product of the year
  • Trade surveillance product of the year
  • Op risk scenarios product of the year
  • Third-party risk product of the year
  • Consultancy of the year, op risk
  • Op risk innovation of the year

Credit risk categories

  • Credit data provider of the year
  • Credit stress-testing product of the year
  • Consumer credit modelling software of the year
  • Wholesale credit modelling software of the year
  • IFRS 9 solution of the year
  • Credit risk innovation of the year

In-house systems

  • Best in-house credit risk technology
  • Best in-house market risk technology
  • Best in-house op risk technology
  • Best in-house ALM technology
  • Best in-house ERM technology
  • Best in-house climate risk initiative
  • Best in-house model risk initiative
  • Best in-house AI initiative
  • Best in-house cloud initiative
  • Best in-house risk data initiative


The in-house systems categories are new this year. They are open to banks, insurers, asset managers and other market participants that have built proprietary risk technology. These systems may be used exclusively by the firm, or may have been made available to clients (commercially or not). The candidate must be able to show substantial development work on this technology within the past 12 months.

All of the risk type categories permit any kind of relevant application to be pitched. For example, the credit risk award could go to a tool that focuses on any of the following: default modelling, loan pricing, portfolio analytics, regulatory capital, stress testing and scenarios, etc. The same is true for the market risk, op risk, ALM, ERM, climate risk and model risk categories.

The AI and cloud initiative categories apply to any use of these technologies to support some kind of risk management application.