Workshops 2020
Workshops 2020
Pre-conference workshop:
Market microstructure
March 10, 2020
In this workshop, Mathieu Rosenbaum (Ecole Polytechnique), Johannes Muhle-Karbe (Imperial College London), Paul Bilokon (Thalesians) and Jan Novotny (Deutsche Bank) will survey recent progress in Market Microstructure. More specifically, they will discuss the statistical modelling of limit-order books, the design and transaction-cost analysis of optimal trading strategies, and how liquidity risk is priced over time and across different assets.
- Johannes Muhle-Karbe, professor, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London and chair in Mathematical Finance and director, CFM-Imperial Institute of Quantitative Finance
- Mathieu Rosenbaum, professor, Ecole Polytechnique
- Paul Bilokon, CEO and founder, Thalesians
Program for the day:
08.30-9.00 Breakfast & registration
09.00-10.30 Transaction costs analytics
Johannes Muhle-Karbe, professor, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London
10.30-11.00 Morning break
11.00-12.30 Optimizing trading algorithms
Mathieu Rosenbaum, professor, Ecole Polytechnique
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-16.00 Machine learning in finance: from theory to practice
- The anatomy of a market microstructure practitioner
- The practice of electronic market making
- An introduction to kdb+/q
- Big and high-frequency data in kdb+/q
- Supervised machine learning in electronic market making
- Reinforcement learning in electronic market making
- Machine learning in finance: from theory to practice
Paul Bilokon, CEO and founder, Thalesians
16.00 End of the seminar.